NorgesGruppen Live On WMS 8.0

IMI are happy to announce a successful upgrade and go-live at grocery wholesale and retail giant NorgesGruppen. All of NorgesGruppen’s ASKO distribution centers are now running version 8 of he IMI Warehouse Management system. Completed a few weeks ago, the cut over process was very smooth; “I am very satisfied with the results of the migration weekend and the project as a whole. The IMI WMS 8.0 upgrade has been delivered in a very successful manner”, says Tom Puntervoll-Pedersen, IT Director Wholesale Operations at NorgesGruppen IT & Digital Services.


The IMI supply chain solutions has been supporting NorgesGruppen and ASKO since 2003, and the stability and scalability has been a key enabler for NG’s business expansion and assortment growth. IMI WMS version 8 adds a lot of new features in areas like graphical decision support, user interface enhancements and platform scalability.

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